Dayna Vendetta


Dayna Vendetta can have her pick of any she wants. Fortunately, Dayna has more tits than common sense and her choice in men includes those of a nature. The sparks fly when her inner drill instructor comes through as she barks out orders to her submissive . That male chastity belt? You bet it finds its way onto that mouse . The wardrobe that once covered her womanly ? It's now covering the pathetic frame of the loser now her get blitzed by Sean Michaels' big, . This 's dignity disappears as fast as Sean's artillery right Dayna's and then her soaked . In between the wrecking of Dayna's and , she's able to manage even further verbal abuse that guarantees him of therapy this pint. Dayna's for interracial knows no bounds and her worthless is witnessing it while not able to touch her goods. The only bone Dayna tosses him is when she lets him clean up the ghetto slop that Sean left on her bra-busting sweater puppies.

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