Jojo Kiss and Zelda Morrison


Jojo Kiss and Zelda Morrison are lifelong . They grew up together, went to the same schools, and cheered for the same team. They got into a lot of trouble together, too! Now they're freshmen in community , and even though they no longer go to the same , they're still cheerleaders. And today their football teams are another, which is where we're meeting them. It's post-game, actually, and they're about to get in trouble again. This , Jojo is going to drag Zelda into the men's locker ! Why? Jojo knows Zelda's never been the , so why not let a of Jojo's football player buddies take a turn or Zelda? Who cares if Zelda has a ! Jojo just wants to see the expression on Zelda's when she's staring at almost of meat. Then, it's to convert Zelda to a BCS!!

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